Introduction to Neuroleadership Seminars
FACE TO FACE - 15 February 2013 (Pretoria); 17 April 2013 (Midrand); 14 June 2013 (Durban).
VIRTUAL - 11 & 12 March 2013 (16h00-21h30 CET Time Zone); 13 May (09h00-16h30 CET); 15 Juy (09h00-16h30 CET). - VENUE: Varies for each event, will be confirmed after receiving your booking.
FACE TO FACE - R2 900 per person (includes lunch, tea/coffee and all course materials).
VIRTUAL - R2 900/ USD350 per person (includes all course materials). - TO BOOK: Click or email (Places are imited to 30 participants per live event and 20 participants per virtual event).

In a time when effective leadership had become THE critical success factor for individual and organizational success, research in neuroscience provides us with revolutionary insight into the workings of the human brain. The emerging practice of NeuroLeadership is the application of these findings to leadership practice and provides leaders with a scientific basis from which to increase their impact and influence in the workplace.
In this one-day seminar Manie Bosman, CEO of the Strategic Leadership Institute and international leadership speaker and consultant, incorporates the most recent findings from neuroscience research with the latest in leadership theory. It is aimed at helping existing and emerging leaders understand the basic neurological processes in the brain, how our brains respond when we interact with other people, and how you can apply this knowledge to boost your own performance and that of the people you lead. Some of the topics to be covered include a neuroscience-perspective on decision making, motivation, teamwork, diversity management, conflict management and stress.
Ready to improve the way in which you lead, work, interact and communicate? Click to book, phone us, send an email or visit the Contact us page.