Enrol for Unique Strengths-Based Presentation Skills Workshops
- DATE: 25 & 26 October (see online for more dates)
- VENUE: Diep-in-die-Berg, 929 Disselboom Street, Wapadrand, Pretoria
- PRICE: R4 590 per person (includes lunch, tea/coffee and all course materials)
- TO BOOK (places are imited): Click or email
Not sure if your presentations and public speeches are having the impact that you expect them to have? We proudly offer you the opportunity to take your presentation skills to the next level. SLI and Strengths Mosaic have joined forces to launch a limited series of two-day Strengths-Based Presentation Skills Workshops. For the first time ever these unique events combine our extensive expertise in presentation practice, strengths development, leadership development and neuroscience.
This Workshop is Ideal for:
Anyone who has to give presentations or any form of public speaking.
This workshop caters for new as well as experienced presenters, who want to improve their skills and increase the impact and effectiveness of their presentations.
Brief Overview
This is a new workshop offering a revolutionary blend of superlative presentation skills training, strength development principles, leadership doctrine and the latest insights from the field of neuroscience.
The objective is to enable presenters to construct and deliver high-impact presentations, which will make a lasting impression. In today’s highly competitive and presentation-overloaded workplace this will give participants a great advantage in their individual career and leadership journeys.
The programme is highly interactive with breakout group exercises and four presentations delivered by each participant. During these presentations participants will receive constructive feedback from the audience – a process that we have found to be immensely valuable in helping individual participants improve their presentation skills.
Workshop Outline 
- Introduction.
- Understanding the neuroscience of presentations.
- Drawing on your strengths when preparing a presentation.
- A structured process to prepare high-impact presentations.
- Making your uniqueness count by using your strengths when presenting.
- The five key success factors to deliver a high-impact presentation.
- Dealing with cultural diversity in the audience.
- Dealing with challenges and difficult situations.
Expected Outcomes
On completion of this workshop, participant will be able to:
- Follow a systematic process to plan, prepare, design and deliver high-impact presentations.
- Understand the use of your Top Five Strengths when delivering presentations.
- Understand the neuroscience of presentations.
- Select and use the most appropriate language and images in presentations.
- Adapt your presentations to multicultural audiences.
- Self-manage personal emotions and delivery style when under pressure.
Workshop Facilitators
This workshop is jointly facilitated by Dries Lombaard and Manie Bosman.
Manie Bosman
Manie is a leadership development and strategic foresight consultant with more than 18 years of international experience. He has considerable expertise in leadership training, strategic planning, communication, social media, corporate development, public speaking and consulting in the non-profit and international trade industries and is a member of the Professional Speakers' Association of South Africa (PSASA) and the Global Speakers Federation (GSF). He also has very good intercultural and global skills stemming from his work with clients in Africa, the America’s, Europe and the Far East.
Over the years Manie has presented numerous seminars and workshops on leadership, strategic planning, skills development, communication, team development and cultural competency in countries across the globe. Apart from face-to-face presentations, Manie has considerable experience in using virtual classroom technology, regularly delivering management training to virtual audiences in the USA, Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Australia, Singapore, Japan and China.
He holds a Masters of Arts in Organizational Leadership from Regent University and believes that leadership is the key determiner of success in any venture, group or organization. His current interests and fields of continued study include neuroleadership and future foresight.
Dries Lombaard
Dries is without doubt South Africa’s foremost expert in strengths and talent development. He received his initial training as a Strengths Performance Coach (Levels 1-3) and in Strengths Based Leadership at the Gallup University in Omaha, Nebraska, and also studied at the Universities of Stellenbosch and Pretoria.
He is currently CEO of the Talent Mosaic and African Mosaic, the driving force for the Strengths movement in South Africa. Under his guidance thousands of Strengths-coaches (at different levels) have been trained and equipped over the last decade. Dries is also an executive board member of the Strategic Leadership Institute.
His interest in leadership development was kindled from an early age and he has been actively involved in leadership development and corporate training for various organizations over the past 20 years. Dries also has corporate senior management experience in the fields of Organizational Effectiveness and Change Management.
Widely travelled, Dries organized various Leadership Tours internationally, taking leaders to Leadership Summits and Conferences in Europe and the USA.
Dries has the StrenghFinder talents of ideation, input, intellection, learner, maximizer and adaptability (with maximizer as his core theme). He is passionate about people development, investing his time with leaders and managers on all spheres of life.
He is married to Rethea (also a Strengths Coach), has three daughters and they live in Pretoria, South Africa.